Introduce My Self

This is me when i was slept in the bus (look so cool, right ?!)

I'm a huge fan of Heavy Metal Music \m/  (My face look so "garang" right ?!)

I Love playing guitar (Walaupun ora expert - expert amat \m/)

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike~

My "Partner In Crime" In High School

di kampus orang lain juga harus menyempatkan narsis

this is not boyband !

"laki" duduknya di belakang

baksos menjelang UN

watching some movie.. but wait..

... all hail "science4great" !

Then Me with my Partner In Crime pass high school
like a boss

I've got another "Partner in Crime" in College

jika di inggris ada stonehange, di kampus saya ada tempat duduk batu (yang sepertinya sudah ada sejak jaman megalitikum)

saat futsal ini saya menjadi salah satu pemain terbaik nya (please do not believe)

Menugas di pandu Pa Ustad (paling kiri)

saat pengerjaan tugas yang berat memang harus di pandu Pa Ustad

merayakan tugas banyak yang di berikan dosen dengan bakar - bakar sate

terlihat ceria ("terlihat" loh yah)

this is not party, this is our task !

personel band ?

ubar cenghar

all team
Kegiatan positif yang dilakukan saat menunggu dosen

a few years after that

Graduated !
Graduated with My Beloved (ehem ehem)


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